Marinara Sauce Homemade

Looking for a sauce that wins the approval of any dinner party? Call it tomato or pizza sauce, Marinara sauce will put smile on the faces!

As I currently have some time, I had been surfing on the web a few days ago. Looking for new, stirring tips, inspiring recipes that I’ve never tested before, to delight my family with. Hunting for a long time yet could not discover too many interesting things. Right before I wanted to give up on it, I stumbled on this yummy and simple treat simply by chance. The dessert looked so delicious on its snapshot, that called for quick actions.

It was simple enough to imagine how it is made, its taste and how much my husband is going to like it. Actually, it is rather simple to delight him when it comes to desserts. Yes, I’m a lucky one. Or perhaps he is.Anyhow, I went to the blog: Suncakemom and followed the comprehensive instuctions that had been combined with great pictures of the procedure. It just makes life much simpler. I could imagine that it is a slight hassle to take snap shots in the midst of cooking in the kitchen as you ordinarily have sticky hands therefore i genuinely appreciate the effort and time she devote to build this blogpost .

With that said I am encouraged presenting my own, personal formulas similarly. Many thanks the idea.

I had been tweaking the initial mixture create it for the taste of my family. I have to say that it was an awesome outcome. They enjoyed the flavor, the consistency and loved having a sweet like this in the middle of a busy workweek. They ultimately wanted even more, many more. Thus next time I am not going to make the same miscalculation. I am going to multiply the quantity to get them happy.

If you liked this Marinara Sauce Homemade you may find more like this at SunCakeMom

Dice up onions.

Heat olive oil in a pan then saute the diced onion on high heat until it gets a glassy / translucent look for about 3-5 minutes.

Add the crushed garlic and saute until it gets fragrant for about a minute.

Mix in the pureed tomato.

Add the optional capers and olives.

Stir everything together nicely then place a lid halfway on pan and cook the sauce until its water content is somewhat reduced, for about 20 – 3o minutes.

10 minutes before finishing, stir in basil and oregano. With aromatic herbs -especially fresh ones- it is recommended to wait until the end so the dish can keep their scent.
