Turkeys aren’t for Thanksgiving only! Prepare a quick turkey leg stew in a skillet or roast them with garlic in the oven. Deliciously easy weekday meals!
As I currently have some time, I had been surfing on the internet the other day. On the lookout for fresh, challenging ideas, inspiring dishes that I’ve never used before, to surprise my family with. Looking for quite some time but couldn’t discover lots of interesting stuff. Just before I thought to give up on it, I came across this yummy and easy treat by accident on Suncakemom. The dessert seemed so mouth-watering on its image, it called for urgent action.
It was not difficult to imagine the way it is created, its taste and just how much my hubby will enjoy it. Mind you, it is rather easy to delight the man when it comes to cakes. Yes, I’m a lucky one. Or perhaps he is.Anyways, I visited the webpage and then used the detailed instuctions that had been accompanied by nice graphics of the process. It really makes life much simpler. I could suppose it’s a bit of a hassle to take photos in the midst of cooking in the kitchen because you most often have gross hands therefore i seriously appreciate the commitment she placed in to make this post and recipe conveniently followed.
That being said I’m empowered to present my own dishes in a similar way. Appreciate your the concept.
I was tweaking the initial formula create it for the taste of my loved ones. I can tell you it turned out a great success. They loved the taste, the overall look and enjoyed getting a sweet like this in the midst of a stressful week. They basically asked for lots more, many more. Hence the next occasion I am not going to make the same miscalculation. I am going to twin the quantity to get them delighted.
This turkey Leg smoked is from SunCakeMom.
Cut the skin and the thin bones at the bottom of the joint around the bone.
Then pierce through the tight and cut along the bone on all four sides.
Cut the remaining thin bones and separate the meat from the bone. If a sharp knife isn’t available use a pair of scissors to cut through the thin bones.
Cut the meat up into smaller pieces for quicker cooking.
Pour oil into a frying pan and on high heat braise the legs until at least one side gets golden brown.
Add the onion, garlic, parsley and the black pepper then mix them well with the meat.
When the onion gets a translucent / glassy look add the mustard, water and turn the heat down to medium low.
Cook it under lid until the meat gets tender enough for about 20 to 40 minutes depending of the chunks of the meat. The smaller the cuts the quicker it cooks. We are after a fairly thick and tasty stew here so the water doesn’t need to be replaced. Nonetheless make sure the onion has enough liquid and stir it once in a while to avoid burning it black.
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