Easy cheese straws recipe

Let it be a game night or a kids party these simple to make cheese straws must be at the top of the party snack list. Easy and tasty!

As I currently have a little time, I had been surfing on the web the other day. On the lookout for new, fascinating ideas, inspiring dishes that We have never tested before, to delight my family with. Searching for a while but could not find too many interesting things. Just before I wanted to give up on it, I came across this scrumptious and simple dessert by chance. It seemed so tempting

on its photo, that required prompt action.

It was not so difficult to imagine just how it is created, its taste and just how much my hubby is going to enjoy it. Actually, it is rather easy to please the man when it comes to desserts. Yes, I am a lucky one. Or possibly he is.Anyways, I went to the blog: Suncakemom and simply used the simple instuctions which were coupled with great photographs of the operation. It really makes life rather easy. I could imagine that it is a bit of a inconvenience to take snap shots in the middle of baking in the kitchen because you ordinarily have gross hands therefore i pretty appreciate the effort and time she put in to make this post .

Having said that I am inspired to present my personal recipes in a similar fashion. Thanks for the thought.

I had been tweaking the original formula create it for the taste of my loved ones. I can mention that it was a terrific outcome. They enjoyed the flavor, the overall look and loved having a delicacy like this during a busy workweek. They quite simply requested lots more, many more. Hence next time I’m not going to make the same miscalculation. I’m gonna twin the amount to keep them happy.

Thanks for SunCakeMom who made the cheese straws recipe a reaility

Mix flour in a medium bowl with salt and the baking powder.

Add the diced room temperature butter, yogurt and work it together with the flour by hand. The texture should look like breadcrumbs.

Stir in the egg and add a 3 -4 tablespoons of water to the mixture if necessary. Flour water content changes by the day so add water carefully as we don’t want to work with an overly sticky dough.

Knead it into a firm dough then roll it out the dough to a thin squarish shape.

Cut between quarter and a half inch (1cm) wide strips out of the the square (vertically). Then cut the square in half (horizontally).

Preheat oven to 356°F / 180°C

Cover tray with baking sheet. It’s not essential but it will ensure that the dough won’t stick to the tray.

Transfer strips carefully onto the tray.

Sprinkle grated cheese on each straw. (If we’re making the wiggly worms for kids party, it’s time to put raisin eyes at the end of the cheese covered straws too.)

Put tray into the preheated oven and bake cheese straws for 10-15 minutes, until crisp.

Take tray out when cheese melted and golden brown then leave to cool on the tray.
