Easy Cauliflower Soup Recipe

Cauliflowers are not only low in carbs but tasty in soup, too. Especially if the soup is beefed up with a tasty vegetable stock and Crème fraiche.

Easy-cauliflower-soup-recipe-4-SunCakeMomSoups are with us since ancient times. Even before humans had the means to make pots and pans, they made soups with hot stones in watertight containers.
After so many years of practice, soup is running through our veins thus, we don’t have to sweat blood to make a delicious pot of tasty liquid. It should come naturally.
Soups generally considered part of a meal as an entrant and rarely stand alone as a meal, save if it’s filled with some hearty stuff like the Spanish Cocido Madrileno or Hungarian goulash soup.
Check out how to make Easy cauliflower soup on SunCakeMom:
