Dairy, Sugar & Gluten Free Chocolate Cake Recipe

Everything free, spongy moist chocolate cake with a dash of everything free custard love. Easy to make quick to bake. Tasty treat for everyone!

Dairy-sugar-gluten-free-chocolate-cake-1-SunCakeMomIt’s sort of strange that alternative ingredients are healthier than the mainstream stuff we use in our everyday life. It should be the other way around.
We should be using healthy and natural ingredients during the week and going berserk on the weekends eating junk and whatever we like. Unfortunately, not many can afford that luxury.
The main problem of course is as always, our cleverness and laziness. In the not so distant past very few people had problems because of consuming too much calories or not moving enough. It didn’t really matter what kind of food people ate because that energy was used up during the daily toil at home and at work.
Check out how to make Dairy, Sugar & Gluten free chocolate cake on SunCakeMom:
