Simple Rabbit Stew

Rabbits are cute furry creatures that make us relax after a hard day at work. They are really nice animals when kept as pets in the coziness of our rabbit proof homes. But they also taste nice when prepared as a stew.

Simple-rabbit-stew-1-SunCakeMomIt’s hard to believe that bugs bunny or Peter rabbit could (uk) could be served as a family dinner on a calm and sunny Sunday though. Well, actually it’s not that hard to imagine that of Bugs Bunny given his nature. Probably the ester bunny would be a much harder piece to shove down on our 5 years old throat. Luckily the media industry hasn’t attached to much emotional value to chickens (Ginger), beef (Ferdinand) or pork (Babe) so we can have them anytime and everywhere without them leaving a bad taste in our mouth.
Check out the Simple rabbit stew recipe on SunCakeMom:
